
Understand what conductive electricals are

Electrically conductive materials have electrons that move more easily inside, making the electrical energy to travel freely. 

Metals, for example, are great conductors of electricity. The inside of these electrical wires is usually made with copper, aluminum, gold, silver etc.

Other examples that are conductors of electricity, in addition to metals, would be the soil itself, water and even the human body. 

Electrical Conductors

Electricity tends not to travel inside electrical isolating materials, because, unlike conductors they have few free electrons, and these resist the flow over the electrical current. 

The function of the insulating material is to make the electricity travel, without escaping to other places. 

Electrical insulation is also used in power system. An example of this would be small transformers, electrical motors and power generators. They have an insulation of the wire coils by means of polymeric varnish. 

Among the electrical insulation materials are PVC, glass, asbestos, rigid laminate, silicone, varnish, resin, paper, teflon, among others.

Why is electrical insulation important?

Electrical insulation is necessary to maintain safety and prevent electrical shock.  Electrical shock can have serious consequences and cause lethal wounds, involuntary movements, and death from ventricular fibrillation.  

Although electrical insulation limits the flow of current between the different electrical conductors, there is no perfect material. Each material has a certain resistance to electricity, but it is not an infinite resistance. 

That is why it is so important to choose the appropriate material type for each situation and ensure the quality of the chosen material. Orion today has a line of products and electrical insulated PPEs and CPEs of premium quality, check on our website or contact our team

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