
4 Facts every electrical engineer needs to know

The electrical engineer deals with several physical phenomena, being a professional capable of generating, applying, and monitoring the use of energy in his routine, besides bringing new solutions to daily life, and with technologies always renewing, this greatly increases the possibilities for those who want to be an expert in the field. Below, let’s talk about four facts that every electrical engineer needs to know:

1 – Brazilian electric lighting was introduced by Thomas Edison

thomas edison

That Thomas Edison was the “inventor” of the application of electric power in lamps, you already know! But he was also responsible for street lighting in Brazil requested by Dom Pedro II from the time when the equipment for use on the roads of Portuguese colony.

The inauguration of lighting took place in 1879 when the city of Rio de Janeiro was our capital, and now whenever you look at the lamps on the poles, you can be sure there’s a lot more of Thomas Edison there than you can imagine!

2 – Electrical engineering was the choice of many celebrities

Engenheiro Elétrico

Many celebrities have opted for electrical engineering to become professional such a Rowan Atkinson, interpreter of the famous Mr. Bean, attended the traditional college of Oxford.  In 1950, Herbie Hancock was a famous jazz musician and ventured into the universe of electrical engineering. Anousheh Ansari, was the first person from Iran to arrive in space and graduated in the area, as did Michael Bloomberg, who was a famous Politician of the United States. 

3 – The hydroelectrical plant with the largest generation in the world is in Brazil Hydroelectric 


Hydroelectrical plants are the main energy matrix in our country. Located in China, the Três Gargantas plant has the greatest production potential, it was built to help prevent catastrophic flooding in the region. However, it is in Brazil that the hydroelectrical plant with the largest production in the world is located. Our Itaipu power plant, which is on the Brazil and Paraguay border, left ahead of the Chinese giant. 

4 – The success of the profession requires planning

luva de borracha


We all need electricity and that makes this profession continue to be very promising. But to get along in this profession it is necessary to prepare a lot, before diving headlong. Absorbing maximum knowledge, knowing which and how to use PPE properly is essential to the success of the profession. For this, it is also necessary that you have on hand PPE’s of quality and confidence so that your life is not put at risk in any time. For this reason, Orion has a complete line of materials, certified under national and international standards, so that you can perform your function with excellence and safety.

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